Boardroom Acoustic Treatment Solutions

Acoustic treatment helps reduce distracting noises to get more business done, avoids people needing to raise their voice over the top of each and hear better.



The problem with boardrooms

Most boardrooms today are multi-function spaces that incorporate video conferencing, microphones, projectors and loudspeakers. More often than not, the room is filled with hard reflective surfaces such as gypsum walls, glass windows, a hardwood table and a white board. Sound from the voices and loudspeakers reflect off these hard surfaces creating a dense series of reflections known as reverb. The larger the space; the longer the reverb trail will be and the greater the disruption to communication. To make matters worse, when the boardroom is used as a video or tele-conferencing space, the microphone has no way of discerning between the good sound and the problem noise. This makes it practically impossible to understand what is being said at the receive end of the transmission. The board members tune out and the chairman becomes frustrated.

How can Primacoustic help you?

Reduce the reverberant field by applying between 15% and 30% wall coverage using 1” thick Primacoustic Broadway™ panels. These are as easy to mount as a picture. Using Impalers™, distribute wherever space is available. Broadway panels are made from high-density glass wool and are extremely effective at absorbing sound energy in the voice range. This tames the reverberation in the room, immediately rectifying the problem caused by flutter echo and the powerful first order reflections that make it difficult to understand what is being said. Paintable™ panels offer an extra architectural twist by enabling them to be painted or have an image transferred onto the surface. It should be noted that broadcasters have been acoustically treating their radio stations for nearly 100 years. There is good reason for this – and the same logic applies to video-conferencing.  Improving intelligibility is the best way to retain your listening audience!

Executive Summary

  • Improves intelligibility and focus for those in attendance
  • Delivers broadcast-quiet transmission for video-conferences
  • Improves the performance of the audio playback system
  • Helps eliminate distractions from HVAC and other noise
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